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25 (More) Pro Tips to Get You to the Corner Office

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If you’re ready to advance in your career, and need to get the edge on the competition, then these tips are for you. Maybe you stopped by for our first installment of our pro tips series, maybe you didn’t. If not, check it out here. Some of these tips may seem obvious to you, but you’d be surprised how many people violate these every day. You could be one of them!

  1. Don’t start your emails with “Hey”.
  2. Likewise, avoid emoticons when communicating via text or email.
  3. Don’t interrupt co-workers. They have work to get done. Set up a time for a conversation if it is needed.
  4. There are very few offices where anyone wants to see your feet. No flip flops.
  5. Grown ups wear deodorant, brush their teeth and shower regularly.
  6. Don’t use curse words. Sure it happens sometimes but try to keep it clean regularly.
  7. Share the credit. Your boss is smart enough to spot a brown-noser.
  8. Did you blow up the microwave in the break room? Clean it!
  9. Make sure to empty the communal fridge on Fridays.
  10. Did someone do a great job? Then tell them.
  11. Don’t take anything that doesn’t belong to you. Including your co-worker’s turkey sandwich.
  12. Gossip is detrimental in the workplace. Don’t do it.
  13. Even if no one else around you does, respect your deadlines.
  14. Never leave a meeting before the speaker is finished. It’s rude.
  15. Listening is crucial because so few people know how to do it. Learn to listen.
  16. Keep your workplace neat. That stack of papers and old sandwich aren’t impressing anyone.
  17. Keep your cellphone on vibrate and avoid the obnoxious ringers.
  18. Need radio silence? Bring your own headphones and use them.
  19. Want to listen to your own music? Bring your own headphones and use them.
  20. Attune yourself to social cues. If someone is hunched over his monitor with a worried look on his face, maybe come back later.
  21. Don’t mark anything URGENT, unless it is urgent.
  22. Do. Not. Interrupt. EVER.
  23. Remember to say “please” and “thank you”.
  24. When someone walks into the office, say hello!
  25. When someone leaves the office, say goodbye.

Share our favorite tips with your friends:

7. Share the credit. Your boss is smart enough to spot a brown-noser. (Click to Tweet)

13. Even if no one else around you does, respect your deadlines. (Click to Tweet)

19. Want to listen to your own music? Bring your own headphones and use them. (Click to Tweet)

21. Don’t mark anything URGENT, unless it is urgent. (Click to Tweet)

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Stay tuned for Parts 3 and 4 of our HR Acuity Pro Tips series.

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