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HR Case Management Software for Healthcare & Life Sciences

Care for an already stressed workforce by simplifying ER processes despite changing technologies, heightened regulations and tedious documentation standards.

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HR in Healthcare & Life Sciences

Human resources (HR) plays a crucial role in the life sciences and health care sector. Human resource professionals are responsible for recruiting, retaining, training and developing employees. They also have a hand in services such as employee benefits, life insurance and retirement. HR helps organizations create policies, procedures and systems to manage all of these tasks.

Life sciences are a broad category that includes all areas of human health and wellness, including public health, biomedical research and development, medical devices and diagnostics, pharmaceuticals development and manufacturing as well as clinical practice and diagnosis.

The HR environment in the health care and life sciences industry can be more challenging than in other fields because it’s regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Within this field, organizations must not only factor in standard considerations surrounding employee relations, but also the strict data security and patient privacy regulations set forth by HIPAA. And, in addition to HIPAA, there are a number of other federal laws impacting HR professionals in this sector such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which influences health care providers’ hiring practices.

Other industry-specific challenges that human resource management professionals face across healthcare include:

  • Supporting employees working long non-daylight shifts and the impact it has on mental health, productivity, accuracy, error rates and more.
  • Adhering to strict regulations that impact employee relations such as diversity & inclusion.
  • Keeping up with ongoing training amidst evolving technology and healthcare HR software.
  • Overcoming high rates of turnover related to complex, stressful and high-pressure work environments.
  • Managing the quick development of issues in the workplace due to high numbers of staff, especially in hospital settings.

In addition to these challenges, HR professionals in the healthcare sector are also facing a challenge felt by many other employers: high turnover rates. However, within this field especially, employees are typically more stressed than average due to the nature of their work. The complex, stressful and often high-pressure work environment can frequently lead to burnout, and eventually, turnover.

To reduce churn and improve employee relations, managers who can integrate automated HR software and streamline more time-consuming tasks can better provide support for employees. Programs that would be beneficial for today’s healthcare environment include equipping eligible employees who have family caregiving responsibilities such as the need for child care and dependent care, offering flexible scheduling options and providing opportunities for professional development.

Interested in seeing previous clients in the industry that we’ve supported through effective case management software for healthcare professionals? Check out our case studies.

The healthcare industry is facing an ever-growing shortage of qualified and skilled human resources. There are a number of reasons for this shortage, but the most prominent one is the aging population. More people are living longer, which means that there are fewer people to take care of them. There is a prevalent demand for care and the need to fill open positions, putting enormous pressure on HR managers.

HR software is a great solution to the ever-growing need for human resources in the healthcare industry. These programs allow healthcare organizations to focus on their core competencies and spend less time on administrative tasks. Healthcare and life sciences HR requires the right employee relations technology to provide your healthcare organization with what it needs to guide a unique workforce so they can support your patients and clients.

HR Acuity provides healthcare and life sciences settings with the resources they need to actively manage and monitor issues in the workplace. Through effective data insight and other essential tools, HR and ER managers can diagnose workplace issues among staff quickly with early intervention before they grow to affect all employees in the organization and the role they play in the healthcare field.

Contact us for a free demo of our products and to start a conversation about how HR Acuity can optimize your employee relations using the latest in HR resources and software technologies.

HR Case Management Software for Healthcare

Discover how HR Acuity helped a major bioscience organization improve their human resources case management and investigation process.

How We Help the Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry. Specifically.

Tighten Up Documentation

Make it easier to document issues quickly and accurately.

Simplify The Process

Reduce friction with consistent, simple processes.

Mitigate Burnout

Support a healthy, safe culture with clear, equitable policies everyone understands.

ER Issues and Answers

HR Acuity’s CEO, Deb Muller, takes us through 5 of the greatest challenges HR in healthcare is facing right now, as well as some possible solutions.

Videos, Webinars, and More

There’s a lot to learn about HR Acuity and lots of ways to learn it. Whether it be compelling videos, comprehensive case studies, interactive webinars, or digging into our one-of-a-kind HR Acuity’s Sixth Annual Benchmark Study, you’ll find exactly what you need to know.