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Thank You

Dec 22, 2020
HR Acuity

As we close out the year, I wanted to share two words with the employee relations community: Thank you.

This is not another 2020 year in review post, or what to expect for 2021. pexels-photo-3826674Many of us (including me) have speculated on what’s next. We all know it will take continued resilience, reimagination and adaptability as we move into 2021 and into recovery.

No, I simply want to take the time to say thanks. I’m extraordinarily proud of the entire HR and employee relations community for rising to the challenges of 2020.

From helping employees move home to keeping team members physically and mentally safe to leading the charge on social justice, you were front and center and you inspired us all.

From the entire HR Acuity team, thank you and happy holidays.

All of our best,


HR Acuity

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