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Are You Documenting These 50 Common Employee Relations Examples?

Apr 13, 2020
Deb Muller

Documenting employee relations examples in the workplace is essential for consistently gathering the data you need to improve the employee experience and manage organizational risk.

We first published this list of employee relations issues on LinkedIn. The response was overwhelming (and continues to be). So, here it is again. Let us know more employee relations issues we should add! The list could go on and on.

And don’t forget to consider COVID-19 related issues. We’ve also created a list of them you can download, too.

50 Employee Relations Examples You Should Be Documenting

These examples of employee relations issues will help you determine the scenarios you should be documenting, investigating, and reporting on in the workplace. You should consider creating an HR risk management strategy to better recognize when your employee:

  1.       Gets into a dispute with a co-worker
  2.       Has hygiene problems that can no longer be ignored
  3.       Views sexually explicit material over the company internet
  4.       Frequently uses the phone or internet for personal reasons
  5.       Lacks attention to detail in his work
  6.       Is slow to get their work done…missing assignments and quotas
  7.       Receives poor customer feedback
  8.       Has a dip in expected sales production
  9.       Struggles during the probationary or training period
  10.       Covers up for a co-worker
  11.       Has a hard time following through and never seems to get anything done
  12.       Uses company equipment or facilities without proper authority
  13.       Works unapproved overtime
  14.       Has poor time management skills
  15.       Has excessive unscheduled absences from work
  16.       Is frequently late for work
  17.       Proselytizes religious or political beliefs to co-workers or subordinates
  18.       Comes and goes as they please
  19.       Uses the company credit card for personal expenditures, even if they pay it            back
  20.       Calls the women in the office “dear,” “sweetie,” and “girls”
  21.       Has “one-too-many” at the company holiday party
  22.       Doesn’t have the required technical skills to get the job done
  23.       Shows up inappropriately dressed or with questionable body piercing/art
  24.       Has inadequate problem-solving skills
  25.       Demonstrates weak written or oral communication skills
  26.       Keeps office space a mess
  27.       Violates a safety rule, even if no one gets hurt
  28.       Swears – either in casual conversation or when things get heated
  29.       Frequently sends, receives, and forwards inappropriate jokes over e-mail
  30.       Is the office bully and creates a hostile work environment
  31.       Makes discriminatory comments or racial epithets, even once
  32.       Has a tendency to have “elevator eyes” when talking to women
  33.       Gossips – all day long
  34.       Displays a lack of commitment to their job or the company
  35.       Carelessly leaves confidential information out in the open
  36.       Can’t seem to get along with anyone on the team
  37.       Makes a veiled threat of physical harm to a co-worker
  38.       Neglects to communicate to management what they are doing
  39.       Appears to have an alcohol or drug problem that is influencing their work
  40.       Cannot accept constructive criticism
  41.       Shows a lack of respect when speaking to their supervisor
  42.       Is going out on a leave of absence
  43.       Is constantly late for meetings
  44.       Always has an excuse for not getting things done
  45.       Shares confidential or proprietary information
  46.       Has an unwillingness to confront problems head-on
  47.       Is beginning or modifying a flexible work arrangement
  48.       Telecommutes but never seems to be reachable when needed
  49.       Is being placed on a performance plan or receiving a disciplinary warning
  50.       Is exiting the business either voluntarily (resignation) or involuntarily                            (termination)

See how HR Acuity’s case management solution can help you prevent employee relations issues at your organization.

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Discover why HR Acuity is the preferred employee relations management software.

Proper and timely documentation of these employee relations issues protects your organization and provides clear expectations to your employees. HR Acuity’s case management software equips you with built-in tools to better document, investigate, and report on hostile workplace issues.

Looking for an easy-to-use process for documenting everyday employee relations issues like these? Let us demonstrate what HR Acuity can do for your organization. Measure the potential impact of our employee relations and investigations management technology with our interactive ROI calculator.

Deb Muller
Deb Muller is the CEO of HR Acuity, employee relations case management and investigations software that combines documentation, process, and human expertise so organizations can meet the challenge of managing employee relations in the modern world.

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