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NEW DATA: Eighth Annual ER Benchmark Study Just Launched
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8th Benchmark Study Cover

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8th Benchmark Study Cover

Learn More About the Study

This year’s study captures insights from over 250 organizations representing 8.7M global employees. Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Learn More About the Study

This year’s study captures insights from nearly 200 organizations representing 6.3M global employees. Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Learn More About the Study

The findings include input from 155 organizations, representing approximately 5.3 million employees globally. Organizations are recognizing the need to evolve and create more diverse, equitable and inclusive work cultures. This year’s Benchmark Study findings echo this ongoing interruption. Several of the trends in the 2021 data mirror 2020’s results. The results raise a big picture question: Are employee relations (ER) practitioners and their organizations still experiencing the lingering effects of the pandemic, or have they settled into a new post-pandemic normal?

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Learn More About the Study

Now in its fifth year, the annual HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study was launched in 2016 to identify and define best practices for employee relations management. Organizations across a wide array of industries provide data on employee relations practices related to their organization model, case management processes, employee issue types, volumes, trends and internal data-driven metrics. The Study continues to grow in breadth of topics and its reach of participating organizations. The Study is the definitive resource for employee relations management and trends across the evolving landscape. The Study provides organizations with best practices and metrics to compare their organization’s employee relations function with other similarly situated organizations

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Learn More About the Study

When we launched this year’s Benchmark Study in mid-February, we had no idea that the COVID-19 pandemic was about to unfold, drastically changing the way we all do everything. We are grateful that so many ER leaders were willing and able to make this Study a priority during this time (and certainly understand the challenges of those who just could not participate this year!). The result was the broadest Benchmark Study yet, with participation from more than 200 enterprise organizations, representing over 5.5 million employees globally.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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View the Infographic

Learn More About the Study

When we set out to gather data for the initial HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study in 2016, the goal was to provide Employee Relations leaders with information that would help them organize their teams, establish processes and practices and manage the function effectively. We are happy to share this special report, which includes data from more than 150 enterprise organizations, representing nearly 4.4 million employees globally.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Second ER Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

Little did we know when we initiated the HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study that just two years later its relevance would become so explosive. Over 100 organizations representing more than 3,500,000 employees globally provided data on Employee Relations practices specific to their organization model, case management processes, employee issue types, volumes, trends and internal data-driven metrics. This comprehensive Study provides broad employee relations insights based upon industry, employee relations model and number of employees.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Read the Executive Summary

First ER Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

The inaugural HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study is a groundbreaking study established to identify and define “best practices” in relation to employee relations management in the US. Organizations with more than 1,000 employees across a wide array of industries were asked to provide data on employee relations practices related to their organization model, case management processes, employee issue types, volumes, trends and internal data-driven metrics. In the end, we had 74 organizations participate representing over 870,000 US employees!

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Read the Executive Summary

2023 The Seventh Annual Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

This year’s study captures insights from nearly 200 organizations representing 6.3M global employees. Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Register for the Webinar

Read the Blog Post

2022 The Sixth Annual Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

The findings include input from 155 organizations, representing approximately 5.3 million employees globally. Organizations are recognizing the need to evolve and create more diverse, equitable and inclusive work cultures. This year’s Benchmark Study findings echo this ongoing interruption. Several of the trends in the 2021 data mirror 2020’s results. The results raise a big picture question: Are employee relations (ER) practitioners and their organizations still experiencing the lingering effects of the pandemic, or have they settled into a new post-pandemic normal?

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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2021 The fifth Annual Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

Now in its fifth year, the annual HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study was launched in 2016 to identify and define best practices for employee relations management. Organizations across a wide array of industries provide data on employee relations practices related to their organization model, case management processes, employee issue types, volumes, trends and internal data-driven metrics. The Study continues to grow in breadth of topics and its reach of participating organizations. The Study is the definitive resource for employee relations management and trends across the evolving landscape. The Study provides organizations with best practices and metrics to compare their organization’s employee relations function with other similarly situated organizations

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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2020 The Fourth Annual Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

When we launched this year’s Benchmark Study in mid-February, we had no idea that the COVID-19 pandemic was about to unfold, drastically changing the way we all do everything. We are grateful that so many ER leaders were willing and able to make this Study a priority during this time (and certainly understand the challenges of those who just could not participate this year!). The result was the broadest Benchmark Study yet, with participation from more than 200 enterprise organizations, representing over 5.5 million employees globally.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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Listen to the Webinar

View the Infographic

2019 The Third Annual Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

When we set out to gather data for the initial HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study in 2016, the goal was to provide Employee Relations leaders with information that would help them organize their teams, establish processes and practices and manage the function effectively. We are happy to share this special report, which includes data from more than 150 enterprise organizations, representing nearly 4.4 million employees globally.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

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View the Infographic

2018 The Second Annual Benchmark Study
Second ER Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

Little did we know when we initiated the HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study that just two years later its relevance would become so explosive. Over 100 organizations representing more than 3,500,000 employees globally provided data on Employee Relations practices specific to their organization model, case management processes, employee issue types, volumes, trends and internal data-driven metrics. This comprehensive Study provides broad employee relations insights based upon industry, employee relations model and number of employees.

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

Download the Study

Read the Executive Summary

2018 The Second Annual Benchmark Study
First ER Benchmark Study

Learn More About the Study

The inaugural HR Acuity Employee Relations Benchmark Study is a groundbreaking study established to identify and define “best practices” in relation to employee relations management in the US. Organizations with more than 1,000 employees across a wide array of industries were asked to provide data on employee relations practices related to their organization model, case management processes, employee issue types, volumes, trends and internal data-driven metrics. In the end, we had 74 organizations participate representing over 870,000 US employees!

Dive into the highlighting insights and established “norms” captured from our latest benchmark report, what it means and how you can turn the data into strategic vision for your organization.

Download the Study

Read the Executive Summary

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Here are some of the organizations using this data to shape their employee relations: